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Deventer Staverenstraat 15 B (The Netherlands)
€ 3.600.000
Office building
Berkel Koningsoord 136 (The Netherlands)
€ 300.000
Tilburg Wagnerplein 49 (The Netherlands)
€ 595.000
Middelburg Molenwater 45 (The Netherlands)
€ 425.000
Room rental property
Zennewijnen Hermoesestraat 1 (The Netherlands)
€ 45.000
Eindhoven Mimosaplein 10 (The Netherlands)
€ 360.000
House / apartment
Amersfoort Chrysantstraat 1 (The Netherlands)
€ 385.000
Office building
Duivendrecht Molenkade 21 (The Netherlands)
€ 1.400.000
Property development
Eindhoven Winkelcentrum Woensel 40 A, 40B & 40C (The Netherlands)
€ 975.000
Amersfoort Basicweg 20 (The Netherlands)
€ 3.150.000
Commercial building
Amsterdam Jan Pieter Heijestraat 62 A (The Netherlands)
€ 450.000
House / apartment
Sappemeer Noorderstraat 122 (The Netherlands)
€ 1.075.000
House / apartment
Musselkanaal Marktstraat 91 A, 91 C & 91 G3 (The Netherlands)
€ 625.000
Almere Rodosstraat 32 (The Netherlands)
€ 470.000
Room rental property
Goirle Tilburgseweg 51 (The Netherlands)
€ 625.000