Vier monumentale (boven) woningen


€ 750.000
  • Woning / appartement - Harlingen -
  • Woning / appartement - Harlingen -
  • Woning / appartement - Harlingen -
  • Woning / appartement - Harlingen -
  • Woning / appartement - Harlingen -
  • Woning / appartement - Harlingen -
  • Woning / appartement - Harlingen -
  • Woning / appartement - Harlingen -
  • Woning / appartement - Harlingen -
  • Woning / appartement - Harlingen -
  • Woning / appartement - Harlingen -
Woning / appartement - Harlingen - Woning / appartement - Harlingen - Woning / appartement - Harlingen - Woning / appartement - Harlingen - Woning / appartement - Harlingen -
Gallery 11


In the centre of Harlingen 4 monumental (upstairs) houses are offered for sale. Below you will find the description of the dwellings, a statement of the property charges, an overview of the rents of the rented dwellings as well as the rental value of the vacant dwellings, the division drawing in which the present dwellings are shaded in yellow as well as the division deed in which, among other things, it is described what use is permitted in the rooms and an overview of the service charges.

  • The flat right, giving the right to exclusive use of the flat situated on the first and second floors of the building, with its own entrance from the ground floor, situate at Grote Bredeplaats 26-A at 8861 BB in Harlingen, cadastral municipality Harlingen, section A, complex number 10723-A flat index 6 
  • The flat right, giving the right to exclusive use of the flat situated on the first and second floors of the building, with its own entrance from the ground floor, situate at Grote Bredeplaats 26-B in 8861 BB in Harlingen, cadastral municipality Harlingen, section A, complex designation 10723-A, flat index 7 
  • The flat right, giving the right to exclusive use of the flat situated on the first floor of the building, situate at Kleine Bredeplaats 8-A in 8861 BV in Harlingen, cadastrally known municipality of Harlingen, section A, complex reference 10723-A flat index 8 
  • The flat right, entitling the holder to the exclusive use of the flat situated on the first and second floors of the building, known locally as Kleine Bredeplaats 10-A in 8861 BV in Harlingen, cadastrally known municipality of Harlingen, section A, complex designation 10723-A, flat index 9.

Rent situation: The homes Grote Bredeplaats 26-B and Kleine Bredeplaats 8-A will be sold in let condition and with due observance of the current tenancy agreements. The residences at Grote Bredeplaats 26-A and Kleine Bredeplaats 10-A will be handed over empty and rent-free. The financial overview gives an indication of the rental income (rental value) from which no rights can be derived.

  1. Grote Bredeplaats 26-A € 1,000 (rental value) 
  2. Grote Bredeplaats 26-B € 773.00 
  3. Kleine Bredeplaats 8-A € 683.15 
  4. Kleine Bredeplaats 10-A € 900.00 (rental value)
Total rental income (inc. rental value) € 40,273.80 per annum

The offered flat rights are part of an owners association (VvE). The administration of this association is outsourced to and is done by Delair Beheer BV Assumburg 2, 1081 GC, Amsterdam, postal address: 1070 AJ, PO Box 75389 Amsterdam

The service costs are 
  1. Grote Bredeplaats 26-A € 52.00 per month 
  2. Grote Bredeplaats 26-B € 81.25 per month 
  3. Kleine Bredeplaats 8-A € 52.15 per month 
  4. Kleine Bredeplaats 10-A € 48.25 per month 
The business expenses (OZB and sewerage levy) amount to
  1. Grote Bredeplaats 26-A NNB 
  2. Grote Bredeplaats 26-B € 157.95 (OZB) € 179.52 (sewerage levy) 
  3. Kleine Bredeplaats 8-A € 114.66 (OZB) € 179.52 (sewerage tax) 
  4. Kleine Bredeplaats 10-A € 126,36 (OZB) € 179,52 (sewerage tax)
The size of the houses
  1. Grote Bredeplaats 26-A 95.1 m² (Measurement report available) 
  2. Grote Bredeplaats 26-B 125.0 m² (information from BAG viewer) 
  3. Kleine Bredeplaats 8-A 77.0 m² (info sourced from BAG viewer) 
  4. Kleine Bredeplaats 10-A 70.4 m² (info sourced from BAG viewer) 
Total 367.5 m²

The use and purpose of the present flat rights is residential. 

The permitted use of the space on the ground floor (Apartment Indices A-1 through A-5) concerns, besides the possibility (on the basis of an environmental permit) to develop 3 homes and 2 workshops, business space with due observance of municipal regulations:

It is allowed in the private areas with indices 1 to 5 to exercise professions or business activities in the field of hospitality, provided it concerns hospitality in the categories 1 or 2 determined by the municipality of Harlingen and on the understanding that this is expressly no dance halls, discos, nightclubs, coffee shops (with sale of soft drugs), smart shops, massage parlours and/or brothels. The purchase price of the homes is € 750,000.00 k.k.

Property information


The Netherlands

Property Type

House / apartment

Last update


Surface area

368 m2

Further specification of surface

1. Grote Bredeplaats 26-A 95,1 m² (Meetrapport aanwezig) 2. Grote Bredeplaats 26-B 125,0 m² (info afkomstig van BAG viewer) 3. Kleine Bredeplaats 8-A 77,0 m² (info afkomstig van BAG viewer) 4. Kleine Bredeplaats 10-A 70,4 m² (info afkomstig van BAG viewer)

Contract information

Partially rented (>50%)

Rental price

€ 40.274

List price

€ 750.000 k.k.



Ownership status


Cadastral city


Cadastral section


Cadastral number


Cadastral index

6, 7, 8 en 9

Registered in chambre of commerce


Annual contribution

€ 2.804

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